The Plant module of 4PS is responsible for housing equipment registers and controls maintenance scheduling. Users of this equipment register software are sent email notifications prior to any scheduled maintenance, or site compliance that may be required. Notifications are sent well ahead of time, allowing sufficient lead time for the user to organise the required maintenance or compliance checks, and reminders continue until the task is actioned and closed off, so it does not ‘fall off the radar’. Notifications are also automatically sent when certifications are either missing or insufficient, ensuring your use of equipment is always optimised and the best ROI is maintained.
Examples of some types of scheduled maintenance include: light vehicle servicing, fire extinguisher checks, first aid checks, electrical test and tags, and many more. When it comes to vehicle servicing, certifications and inspections may be tracked based on a specific date range, or number of hours or kilometres.
The certification matrix element allows for forecasting equipment use, capturing the number of scheduled and remaining kilometres, as well as the scheduled and remaining hours on vehicles/equipment in active use.
This module is also a repository for electronic copies of certificates for certified radio stations needed for particular work sites.
Equipment can be allocated to personnel and jobs within the 4P System, so you are able to see at a glance where your equipment is, who is using it, and on what particular project it is being used on.
How can 4PS help with Project Management?
Project management is made easy with the use of the People and Plant modules. These modules work together to provide the project manager with all the necessary information to successfully plan and execute a given project. No more unexpected delays will occur as all equipment and employees can easily be identified as compliant for the planned work site.
The system provides an up-to-date usage reading for assets. This allows for scheduling of maintenance at times when the equipment is not in active use on a particular job.
Up to date usage reading for assets to allow scheduling of maintenance.
The asset matrix ensures the various compliances are followed and recorded.
Immediate access to information about equipment compliance and maintenance.